What Is Poverty

What is Poverty ? What is Poverty – How is it Defined ? Poverty has existed throughout human history and understanding the multi-dimensional nature is significant since it determines strategies and approaches towards poverty alleviation.   Poverty can be defined as :- Lack of Basic Needs Food Shelter Clothing Health/Medical Care Education Basic Sanitation Absence […]

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Water Projects: What your money buys Below are some examples of what your money could buy. £180 could pay for a Hand Pump in Pakistan for households and local schools £15 can enable one person to access safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation £130 could contribute towards a Water Bore project in Asia/Africa £100 could

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Disability & Blindness

Projects Scholarships for Poor Students Provide books, resources and equipment for people, adults and children, with disabilities or visual impairment (blindness) Establish Training & Education facilities Raise awareness & understanding about relevant issues Background The linkage between poverty and disability is strong and goes in both directions. Poverty causes disability through malnutrition, poor health care,

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